I Reserve the Right To Be Me

I reserve the right to say no.  Just because.

I reserve the right to not answer phone calls.  I have voice mail and I'm not afraid to use it.

I reserve the right to change my hairstyle frequently.  It's therapy.  My hair is one of the few things in the world that I feel I can control.  Except on windy days.  Or when it's raining.  Or humid.  Or when I sweat.  Or wear a hat.  Or it just feels like being defiant.  

I reserve the right to be flawed.  Because I am.  God's working on me and I've come a long way.  Perfection will happen when I reach Heaven so in the meantime, have a little grace.  I'm hard enough on myself, trust me.

I reserve the right to own cool stuff, even if I'm broke.  I'm pretty dang frugal.  Many of my favorite possessions are Christmas gifts, birthday presents, or re-purposed thrift store bargains.  Never judge a person by their possessions.

I reserve the right to pick my closest friends.  Chances are good they are a bit kooky and understand me.  Not everyone is kooky.  Not everyone will be my friend.

I reserve the right to listen to my music at high volumes.  It makes me happy.  It's good music and you may enjoy it, if you listened close enough.  If you don't like it, roll up your window.

I reserve the right to take naps.  Yes, I'm a big baby.  But I'd rather be a big baby than a crabby mother.

I reserve the right to make fun of you.  But I'll only ever do it to your face.  And if I make fun of you, it means that I love you.

I reserve the right to make fun of myself.  It keeps me from taking myself too seriously.

I reserve the right to only help some people, not all people.  I can't be Jesus but I do try my best.  I'm slowly learning that sometimes a step back creates space for someone else to step forward.  Everyone needs love and everyone needs opportunity to love others.

I reserve the right to wear my pj's all day if I don't leave the house.  It doesn't mean that I'm not working hard.  I know folks that dress up and go into offices and don't work at all.  Don't judge me by my pj's.

I reserve the right to have an untidy house.  It's lived in.  By a lot of us.  And I love it that way.  That's what you can expect to see if you drop by unexpectedly.  Make yourself at home anyway.

I reserve the right to hug you.  I'm not really a huggy-squishy person, so if I throw myself at you, I must mean it.


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