Just Be You

No one else can be the friend that you can be to others.  So be you.

No one else can give heart-felt hugs the way that you can.  So hug.  (I apologize if you get punched.)

No one else has walked your road and can offer your lessons learned, insights gained, or encouragement to offer that you can. So be you.

No one else at the grocery store, gas station, or office who needs your smile, can give your smile to others.  Start smiling.  It's contagious.

No one else is going to follow through with your priorities in life in regards to your faith, marriage, family friends, money, time, and resources.  Your follow through in these areas is up to you.  So follow through.

No one else can set your alarm clock to allow you time for prayer, study, exercise, or reading about things that are important to you.  Correction- they could set your alarm and it could go off but you are the only one that can get your hiney out of bed.  It's all you...

No one else can give you the motivation to climb life's mountains if you are unwilling to be motivated.  It's all you...

No one else is going to watch what you eat so you can have a healthier lifestyle even if they are your "accountability partner."  It's easy to lie to your accountability partner.  Your health is all you...

No one else is going to put your phone on 'silent' while you are investing in people or priorities.  It's all you...

No one else can simply bestow courage or faith on you.  You have to want it and choose it for your life.  It's all you...

While others can pray for every single one of these areas in your life and God desires for you to own your crap and walk in faith, you are the one that has to choose to walk in faith and own your crap.  God will never force you.  You have to want to be the you He created, climb mountains, walk in faith, and bless others with you.

No one else can be you because God only made one you.  It wasn't an accident, a mistake, or an error in calculations.  He knows the hard stuff.  The bad stuff.  The ugly stuff.  He can handle it.  You get to choose to hand it to him, or not.  To receive forgiveness or not.  To trust his best or not.  To accept his love or not.

Who are you and who do you want to be?

You are no mistake.

Own you- the 'in process' and imperfect you.  No one else is perfect.

In doing so, you'll bless the world around you.


Question  -  What part of 'you' are you tempted to blame on someone else and what do you do to own it to be the best you?  


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