Forgetting the Lessons Found in the Garden

Why do we so quickly forget how amazing nature is?  Perhaps we're indoors too much.  Perhaps we view nature through a screen.  Perhaps our eyes are hazed in exhaustion and stress.  We're blinded to the beauty that surrounds us.  Yep, this describes me on most days.  Good days, even!

I so desperately want to be easily amazed again, childlike even.  I'm sad that I've stopped learning and applying the profoundly simple lessons that are provided each time I dig in the dirt.

Every time I weed and treat.
Every time I fertilize.
Every time I prune.
Every time I transplant.

Every one of these activities is necessary for a healthy garden just as these same activities are needed to keep a healthy heart.  We must yank out the toxic, feed the heartbeat, prune out the waste, and switch things up.

It's as if nature and the care she requires is not only a gift that teaches us about ourselves, but is also a shadow of the heavenly complexities to come.  Earth's Creator designed a masterpiece, broken by weeds, man's destructive behaviors, and dangerous storms to cause us to yearn for the flawless perfection of Heaven.

Question: What causes you to lose sight of the beauty around you?  What do you do about it?


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